Opening Into The Unknown

This short article was first printed in the November 2010 issue of the Motivational Institute of Hypnotherapy newsletter. Enjoy!

Take a moment to think about something you REALLY want to have or a goal you want to reach. Really let yourself experience how it would feel to have that situation in your life. The next step is to consider actually creating it.

Now, if a reason why you can’t popped up in your mind first thing, just acknowledge it. We can let go of judging that thought and understand it is just the Ego’s way of trying to protect us from change. Perhaps your Ego chimed in with something like this: “I can’t do that! I don’t have the money! I don’t know how! Yeah right, how will that ever happen?” Or something along those lines.

We get blocked from creating our desires when we get stuck on wanting to know HOW and all the details. We don’t have to know HOW it can happen or the steps that will lead to that goal manifesting in our lives. I like the way Wayne Dyer explains this, he says, “The answer to HOW is YES”. What this means is we don’t have to know how or all the details, we just have to be open and say YES to our dreams coming true.

This is what I call ‘opening into the unknown’. We just send out what we want to create in our lives and allow the Divine energy to fill in the blanks. Louise Hay also addresses this issue, explaining that we don’t need to know how we are going to create something, we just need to be willing. Her affirmation for this is: “I am willing to shift the patterns in my unconscious mind that are creating this condition.” ‘How?’ is a challenge question. Stop challenging yourself and making blocks between you and your goals. Instead just open into the unknown, say ‘YES’, be willing, and be ready to receive.