The Age of Aquarius

We are no longer in the Christian-ruled era of Pisces which means we are moving away from polarizing everything as either good or evil and right or wrong. In other words – we are moving away from judgment-based assumptions. Some great information from Amirah Hall, my spiritual teacher and friend:

“There’s a Shift Occurring….

This may sound like nothing more than a feel-good, hippie slogan and many people scoff at the notion that any kind of positive change is happening in our world. And while this might be the case for the moment, it is hard to ignore the fact that major changes are indeed underway all over the world, seemingly directing our attention to the idea that a “paradigm shift” of some kind is taking place.

But just what is it that we are shifting into…and away from?

To put it simply, we are shifting away from old, fear-based habits and imagining a whole new reality for ourselves – a reality based on hope rather than despair, of abundance rather than lack, of peace rather than war, of contentedness rather than yearning, and of connectedness rather than separation. We are awakening to the fact that a new era is upon us, and that we have the ability to co-create the hopeful future we desire for ourselves and this planet.”

– by Amirah Hall

Here’s a few tips on how to participate in The Shift…