10 Simple Things You Can Do To Feel Better

How we feel is a result of how we take care of ourselves. We have to make the choice each day to take responsibility for how we feel and how well we are living our lives. Here are some simple things that I remind myself to do in order to feel centered. May you be inspired to create your own daily rituals for peace and wellness.

1. CREATE YOUR SPACE: Make your home, or even just a part of your home, a sanctuary where you feel surrounded by beauty. This will lead to you doing creative and healthy activities in your home. Clean out clutter and decorate your space with things that you love. Make sure you create the ambiance you want with lighting, whether that means lots of natural light or candlelight or a beautiful lamp. Use scents to enhance the room. Treat yourself to fresh flowers or plants. Make your space one that brings you into a tranquil mindset.

2. JOURNAL: Begin keeping a daily journal. Take a few moments to write down your thoughts, feelings, goals, and dreams. Write down things you are grateful for. Write down memories or wishes. This process of journaling will give you a chance to check in with yourself each day. If you do not like to write, try other creative outlets like art, poetry, or music.

3. MEDITATE: Meditation is a simple way to bring your energy back to a healthy state, as well as find peace of mind. To begin a daily meditation practice, find a quiet time to turn off your phone and electronics, and just sit still with your eyes closed. Focus on your breathing. Just notice your thoughts and practice not attaching to any of them, but rather allow them to float in and out of your mind until you are able to detach from all the thinking your brain wants to do. This will take time and practice to quiet your mind. As you begin to enjoy the benefits of meditation, you may want to find a class or a teacher to learn more advanced techniques.

4. CONNECT WITH NATURE: Go outside someplace that resonates with you. Look at the stars, the ocean, or the green trees – whatever you like. Take in the “prana” or life-force energy that is present in nature and breathe it into your body. Stretch your body, take a walk. The power of nature can restore you on many levels: mentally, emotionally, energetically, and spiritually.

5. DO SMALL ACTS OF KINDNESS FOR YOUR BODY: Make yourself a favorite meal, or even something as simple as a perfect cup of tea or cut up a fruit that you love. Take a bubble bath or a nap. Put a masque of honey on your face or take a class that you’ve been wanting to take. Doing little things to take care of yourself on a daily basis will create more space for you in your own life. It will also give you more stamina to take care of others because you will feel full and nourished and have more to give.

6. MAKE A LIST: Making lists is a way to de-clutter your mind and also it can be fun and help your organize your ideas. Make a list to things you want to do. Make a list of people you want to connect with or dreams/goals you would like to start working on. Make a list of things you are grateful for or people you want to thank. You can even make a list of things you want to get out of your head and put aside to create room for new and more positive thoughts. A list can give you a place to start and can be the first step in moving towards accomplishing your goals.

7. WRITE A LOVE LETTER: This does not necessary have to be a romantic love letter, though those are wonderful too. You can write a letter to anyone you love. Let the people in your life know how you feel about them. Take time to say the things you want to say and let them know you appreciate them. We never know how many chances we will really have to express our love to those around us before they, or we, are gone. It is important to allow your love to flow openly and you will feel better sharing this energy from your heart chakra in a healthy way.

8. GIVE SELFLESSLY: Find some volunteer work or just choose a simple way to give back in some way. Give away something to someone who needs it more than you. If you feel you have no possessions or money to give, you can always give your time or your energy. You can even give a listening ear to a friend. Or surprise someone with a meal or a gift or a visit. Do something nice for someone else, your community, the environment, or animals. Acting selflessly means doing this without expecting anything in return – however one thing that is proven is that doing so will make you feel better. This is because human nature is about being connected to others and the whole and getting outside of ourselves to help others is a way to reconnect.

9. LAUGH: Do you know the last time you cracked up with laughter? When life gets too serious, it is time to find some comedy and amusement. In fact, it will improve your health if you laugh on a daily basis. Surround yourself with funny people who entertain you. Watch a movie or stand-up comedy show that makes you giggle. And, even though it is hard sometimes, learn to laugh at yourself.

10. TEACH WHAT YOU KNOW: There is an old saying that we teach best what we most want to learn. We all have something we are good at. When you take the time to teach others what you know, you increase your own knowledge and develop expertise on a subject. Teaching requires you to take your own skills to the next level. It can be rewarding to teach someone a valuable skill, trade, hobby, or subject. You can teach someone how to read, bake a cake, or plant a garden – anything that you already love to do. Just invite them to join you and teach by example and by doing. They may even end up helping you! And when you teach, you truly always end up learning too.