The New Paradigm: Integrative Hypnotherapies

“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” – Alan Kay

Take a deep breath and for a moment, as you read this, let go of what you have agreed in your mind to believe about what is true about reality. Let go of what you believe you ‘know’ about yourself. Suspend your judgments about what can or cannot be the truth. For this moment, allow yourself to be open to the possibility that what you have come to understand about your own life has actually been a series of decisions you have made, partially on an unconscious level. Allow yourself to be open to the possibility that your perspective can shift in a way that releases you from the limitations of your past thinking – giving you the opportunity to see life in a way that brings you everything you have ever desired.

We are complex beings living in a complex universe. The knowledge and understanding we have of what is truly going on inside and around us is still full of holes that we call mysteries. What we do know is that we are vast and interconnected beings. We are multi-dimensional people living in a multi-dimensional universe. Our lives are affected by so many variables: our thoughts, our bodies, our dreams, the energies inside and around us, the vibrations of the earth, the collective unconscious and what is happening in our societies, our families, and our personal lives. We are influenced by the stars and the astrology of each moment compounded by the astrological elements we were born into (in other words – our charts). We have the genetic blueprints that have been passed down to us and whatever information is written in our DNA. We have the patterns that our ancestors passed down to us and cycles that have repeated through the generations. We have the karma from our past lives and the issues we have not let go of from those lives also affecting us. With all this at work in and around us (and so much more than I have even touched on here), how do we know where to begin when we want to create change and healing in our lives?

“We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations.” – Anais Nin

Have you ever tried to think your way out of your feelings? Have you wasted time asking ‘why is this happening to me?’ Have you blamed yourself or felt like you were being punished when something went wrong in your life?

Our minds fall into these familiar traps because it is the ego’s way of keeping us stuck in our old negative beliefs. The ego likes to validate the old stories you tell yourself – stories like, ‘things like this always happens to me’ and ‘I did something to deserve this’.

These stories point to underlying core beliefs. These beliefs reside in the unconscious and operate like programs that our thinking runs on. When a particular program that no longer serves us is running in our unconscious mind, it is creating outcomes in our lives that are based on that old programming. The good news is that all of this can be shifted and cleared using Integrative Hypnotherapy!

The old paradigm of undergoing years and years of psychoanalysis on our issues is no longer necessary. Traditional “talk therapy” brings realizations through awareness and connections in the conscious mind and can be very useful. But we can also choose to shift and clear traumas and beliefs that no longer serve us without having to consciously re-live past feelings. Without suffering, we can release ourselves from these issues by making shifts on core and cellular levels by working with the unconscious mind and the energetic body.

Integrative Hypnotherapy, which incorporates Energy Psychology and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) into Hypnosis sessions, removes traumas that are stored as blocks or stuck energy. These modalities allow us to eliminate the emotional charge that is attached to situations that are affecting us and clear them from the body. Integrative Hypnotherapy combines a variety of advanced techniques that bring about change to a person’s unconscious belief system that automatically rearranges their experience of the world and their life. As old traumas, core beliefs, and stuck energies are released, a person transforms their well-being on all levels. They are free to manifest an unlimited increase in their health and happiness… and to make their dreams come true.

“The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.” – Charles DuBois

We begin by being willing to open our minds to the truth, which is: we truly can have anything in this life that we desire. We take an honest look at what is holding us back and take responsibility for our thinking, even whatever is going on that we are not conscious of. These issues can be easily revealed to us and healed through Integrative Hypnotherapies. Remember, this is your life and… “You are as happy as you have decided to be.” – Ingrid Coffin